I keep hearing the same old story about pitching...
Keep the ball down...now that is the silliest thing in the world...but, true to some extent! If one has a sinkerball, curve, change-up yes, by all means...keep it low!
Every pitcher is different, every pitcher has different pitches, so one can't pitch to the Cookie Cutter style!
If one has a good fastball, change and let's say slider, yes and no. change and curve...down! Fastball inside just above the hands or up near the letters and above. If any of you watch, even the pros will swing at the high hard one...the reason being, it looks as big as a softball and as easy to hit but, unless your name is Yogi...don't go for it...87% of the time you will miss it completely or pop it up.
Do I have stats to back it up? Nope, none at all, just watching and learning from those that had what I never had...a good fastball.
More proof is four guys we have on the Yankees, Bird, Brett, McCann and Ells all three of them will go for it on any 2 strikes count (almost)...and miss it. That and a killer slider down and away will make a hitter humble! Unless you are Mo, then add the Cutter in at the hands.
I am waiting for EVO to learn to go up with his Fastball once in a while instead of down, it is easier to drop the bat on a low pitch then swing up on a fastball (around 93/100 mph) around the eye level.
One of the greatest assets for a pitcher is C&C (Command & Control) with it a pitcher with a 90 mph fastball and two off-speed pitches can become the #1/2 on some staffs with a long winning career to look back at when they hang up the spikes.